About Us

PT Tutura Indonesia Gemilang was established on January 9, 2023. PT Tutura Indonesia Gemilang is officially registered as domiciled in Central Jakarta, and has an office branch in Palu City, Central Sulawesi.

Through the brand name, Tutura Entertainment, we are engaged in the creative services sector. Tutura Entertainment is supported by credible and experienced personnel in the field of event organizers, MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions), event planner, advertising, social management, and merchandise.

Tutura Entertainment has experience working on various scale activities local and national. Our clients range from individuals, organizations, governments, to corporate


Fadli Daimaroto - Team Tutura Entertainment
Fadli Daimaroto
Chief Executive Officer
Gilang Riswandi - Team Tutura Entertainment
Gilang Riswandi
Chief Operating Officer
Sari Lestari - Team Tutura Entertainment
Sari Lestari
Corporate Secretary
Hendri Syamsu - Team Tutura Entertainment
Hendri Syamsu
Graphic Designer

We created Tutura Entertainment so we could
give added value to our relationship
with our client


Logo Tutura Entertainment